WISER publications
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Relating to and Through Land: an Ecology of Relations in Thomas Mofolo’s Chaka." In The {Postcolonial} {World}, edited by Jyotsna G. Singh and David D. Kim. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge, 2016.
"The SAGE Handbook of Global Policing, Edited by Ben Bradford, Beatrice Jauregui, Ian Loader and Jonny Steinberg. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2016.
Seven Questions for Kleinian Psychology." Psychoanalytic Psychology (2016): No Pagination Specified.
"The society of enmity." Radical Philosophy (2016).
"Trans-Area Studies and the perils of geographical ‘world-writing’." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 34 (2016): 791-798.
"Unintended complicities: preventing violence against women in South Africa." Gender & Development 24 (2016): 291-306.
"The Vertiginous Power of Decisions: Working through a Paradox about Forced Migration." Public Culture 28 (2016): 139-160.
"Visuality and Diasporic Dynamism: Goans in Mozambique and Zanzibar." African Studies 75 (2016): 257-277.
"African corporate lawyering and globalization." International Journal of the Legal Profession 22 (2015): 226-242.
"African Extraction, Indian Ocean Critique." South Atlantic Quarterly 114 (2015): 83-100.
"Autoethnographic Interventions and ‘Intimate Exposures’ in Ricardo Rangel's Portuguese Mozambique ." Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies 29, no. Supplement 1 (2015): 166-181.
"Babies of the Empire: Science, Nation, and Truby King's Mothercraft in Early Twentieth-Century South Africa." In Children, Childhood and Youth in the British World, 59-73. Palgrave Studies in the History of Childhood. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
"Changing Childhoods in the Cape Colony: Dutch Reformed Church Evangelicalism and Colonial Childhood, 1860-1895 In Palgrave Studies in the History of Childhood. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
Civil Government Lawyers in South Africa." New York Law School Law Review 60 (2015): 365-377.
"Conspicuous disease: The surveillance of silicosis in South Africa, 1910-1970." American Journal of Industrial Medicine 58 (2015): 15-22.
"Consuming the Coast: Mid-Century Communications of Port Tourism in the Southern African Indian Ocean." Comunicação Mídia e Consumo 12, no. 35 (2015): 149-170.
"Decolonization and (Dis)Possession in Lusophone Africa." In Mobility Makes States: Migration and Power in Africa. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015.
"Dreaming the Post-Colony: Achille Mbembe’s On the Postcolony ." Journal of Asian and African Studies 51, no. 6 (2015).
"Facts about Ourselves: Negotiating Sexual Knowledge in Early Twentieth-Century South Africa." Kronos 41 (2015): 199-219.
"From Imperial Subjects to Global South Partners: South Africa, India, and the Politics of Multilateralism." In Competing Visions of India in World Politics: India's Rise Beyond the West, 79-93. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
"Futures, Fakes and Discourses of the Gigantic and Miniature in ‘The World’ Islands, Dubai." Island Studies Journal 10, no. 2 (2015): 181-196.
"Governing through Crime in South Africa: The Politics of Race and Class in Neoliberalizing Regimes. By Gail Super. Dorchester: PB - Ashgate , 2013. 182 pp. \$98.96, cloth." Law & Society Review 49 (2015): 551-554.
"Hopeless Entanglement: The Short History of the Academic Humanities in South Africa." American Historical Review 120, no. 4 (2015): 1253-1266.
"Human Rights: Legal Aspects." In International {Encyclopedia} of the {Social} {Sciences} ({Second} {Edition}), edited by James D. Wright, 375-379. Oxford: Elsevier, 2015.
"The Judicial Role in Defining National Security and Access to Information in South Africa." Democracy and Security 11 (2015): 275-297.
"Mesmer & the Artificial Tide." In Rattle Tales 3., 2015.
"Moments of Conceptual Potential: Frantz Fanon, the postcolony, and “nonwar communities”." Politics, Groups, and Identities 3, no. 2 (2015).
"The Pre-history of South African ‘Neo-Liberalism’: The Rise and Fall of Co-operative Farming on the Highveld." Journal of Southern African Studies 41 (2015): 1239-1254.
"The Rise of Third World Diplomacy: Success and Its Meanings at the 1955 Asian-African Conference in Bandung, Indonesia." In Foreign Policy Breakthroughs: Cases in Successful Diplomacy, 47-71. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
"The South African ‘Secrecy Act’: Democracy Put to the Test." Verfassung und Recht in Übersee VRÜ 48 (2015): 284-303.
"On the Trail of Paediatric Liver Transplantation in South Africa – Social Challenges to Equitable Distribution of Organ Transplantation." Health Tomorrow 3, no. 1 (2015).
"Transformation of the Judicial System in South Africa, 2012-2013." George Washington international Law Review 47 (2015): 481-508.
"Biometric State: The Global Politics of Identification and Surveillance in South Africa, 1850 to the Present. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
The Book of Life: The South African Population Register and the Invention of Racial Descent, 1950–1980." Kronos 40 (2014): 225-240.
"“Capture the children”: Writing Children into the South African War, 1899-1902." The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 7 (2014): 355-376.
"Chapter 1: Rules Concerning Nationality and Relevance of Nationality." In South Africa, edited by Christina Murray and Coel Kirkby, 195-198. Constitutional Law in the International Encyclopedia of Laws. The Netherlands: Kluwer Wolters, 2014.
"Chapter 5: Legal Position of Foreign Nationals." In South Africa, edited by Christina Murray and Coel Kirkby, 278-280. Constitutional Law in the International Encyclopedia of Laws. The Netherlands: Kluwer Wolters, 2014.
"The Civil Rights of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in South Africa." In Refugee {Law} in {South} {Africa}, edited by Fatima Khan and Tal Schreier. Juta and Company Ltd, 2014.
"Crítica de la razón negra. Buenos Aires: Futuro Anterior, 2014.
Current Demographics in Large Corporate Law Firms in South Africa." African Journal of Legal Studies 7 (2014): 587-594.