WISER publications
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The Rickshaw Puller and the Zulu Policeman: Zulu Men, Work, and Clothing in Colonial Natal." Critical Arts 31 (2017): 123-141.
"The Soweto Uprising, by Noor Nieftagodien." Journal of Contemporary African Studies 32, no. 2 (2017).
"Three Moments of Stuart Hall in South Africa: Postcolonial-Postsocialist Marxisms of the Future." Critical Sociology 43 (2017): 831-845.
"Towards republican citizenship : a reflection on the jurisprudence of former Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo." Southern African Public Law 32 (2017): 1-13.
"Young families: gender, sexuality and care, Edited by Nolwazi Mkhwanazi and Deevia Bhana. Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2017.
Young families: gender, sexuality and care, Edited by Nolwazi Mkhwanazi and Deevia Bhana. Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2017.
Accidental Neoliberalism and the Performance of Management: Hierarchies in Export Agriculture on the Zimbabwean-South African Border." The Journal of Development Studies 52 (2016): 561-575.
"African Progressivism, Land and Law : Rereading Plaatje's Native Life in South Africa." In Sol Plaatje's Native Life in South Africa : Past and present, edited by Bhekizizwe Peterson, Brian Willan and Janet Remmington. Johannesburg: Wits University Press, 2016.
"The “African University” as a Site of Protest: Decolonisation, Praxis, and the Black Student Movement at the University Currently Known as Rhodes." Interface 8, no. 2 (2016): 184-210.
"The Afterlife of Words: Magema Fuze, Bilingual Print Journalism and the Making of a Self-Archive." In African {Print} {Cultures}: {Newspapers} and {Their} {Publics} in the {Twentieth} {Century}, edited by Derek Peterson, Steph Newell and Emma Hunter, 361-388. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2016.
"Ausgang aus der langen Nacht: Versuch über ein entkolonisiertes Afrika. Suhrkamp Verlag, 2016.
Black Diamonds in the Rough In The Journalist., 2016.
The Bohemian on a Pin." Novel 49 (2016): 175-178.
"Capacity building for self-regulation of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) sector: A policy paradigm shift aligned with development outcomes and a pro-poor approach." The Extractive Industries and Society 3 (2016): 653-658.
"Community Music as “Service Learning” In Innovation and Change in Community Music: Proceedings of the XV International Seminar of the ISME Commission on Community Music ., 2016.
Contested Space and Citizenship in Grahamstown, South Africa." Journal of Asian and African Studies 53, no. 1 (2016): 20-33.
"Critica raţiunii negre In Colecţia {Pluritopic}. Cluj-Napoca, Romania: IDEA Design & Print, 2016.
Critical Thoughts on Keywords in Gender and History: An Introduction." Gender & History 28 (2016): 299-306.
"Darwin's hunch: science, race and the search for human origins. Johannesburg: Jacana Media, 2016.
Decolonizing the university: New directions." Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 15 (2016): 29-45.
"Democracy's Infrastructure: Techno-Politics and Protest After Apartheid. Princeton: Princeton Studies in Culture and Technology, 2016.
(Dis)empowered whiteness: un-whitely spaces and the production of the good white home." Anthropology Southern Africa 39 (2016): 46-57.
"Ecologies of blood in Johannesburg vampire fiction." Safundi 17 (2016): 384-406.
"Ecologies of relation: post-slavery, post-apartheid, and rethinking race across the Atlantic in Zakes Mda’s Cion." Safundi 17 (2016): 3-19.
"Ecologies of relation: post-slavery, post-apartheid, and rethinking race across the Atlantic in Zakes Mda’s Cion." Safundi 17 (2016): 3-19.
"Exile in Mauritius: Colonial Violence and Indian Ocean Archives." Critical Arts 30 (2016): 282-294.
"Exile in Mauritius: Colonial Violence and Indian Ocean Archives." Critical Arts 30 (2016): 282-294.
"From slavery to colonialism and school rules: a history of myths about black hair In The Conversation., 2016.
How Well Does Theory Travel? David Garland in the Global South." The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 55 (2016): 514-531.
"“I have one breast, so what?”: Perceptions of mastectomy and breast reconstruction among patients and peer counsellors." Abstracts of the 44th {Annual} {Meeting} {Surgical} {Research} {Society} of {Southern} {Africa} 54 (2016): 172-223.
"Insecurity in South African Social Security: An Examination of Social Grant Deductions, Cancellations, and Waiting." Journal of Southern African Studies 42 (2016): 965-982.
"Johnny Fingo: war as work on the Eastern Cape Frontier." Kronos 42 (2016): 214-231.
"‘Knobkerrie’: Some Preliminary Notes on the Transformation of a Weapon into a Swagger Stick, or Sometimes a Stick is Not Just a Stick." In Tribing and {Untribing} the {Archive}: {Set}, edited by Carolyn Hamilton and Nessa Leibhammer. University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2016.
"The Policeman, Reconsidered." Interventions 18 (2016): 800-805.
"Politiques de l'inimitié. Paris: La Découverte, 2016.
Public Intimacy: Art and Other Ordinary Acts in South Africa, Edited by Betti-Sue Hertz, Frank Smigiel and Dominic Willsdon. San Francisco: Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, 2016.
Queer Futures: A conversation with Kehinde Bademosi, Zanele Muholi, and Binyavanga Wainaina with Shireen Hassim." PEN America (2016).
"Radical Psychoanalysis: An essay on free-associative praxis. London ; New York: Routledge, 2016.