WISER publications

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Breckenridge, Keith. "What happened to the theory of African capitalism?" Economy and Society (2021): 9-35.
Hassim, Shireen. "Why Care?" Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa 107 (2021): 53-66.
Lavery, Charne. Writing Ocean Worlds: Indian Ocean Fiction in English.. London: Routledge, 2021.
Falkof, Nicky, Cobus van Staden, Derek Hook, B. Camminga, Mingwei Huang, Lebohang Masango, Joel Cabrita, Njogu Morgan, Aidan Mosselson, Khangelani Moyo et al. In Anxious Joburg: The inner lives of a global South city. NYU Press, 2020.
Gbadamosi, Raimi. In We Travel the Space Ways: Black Imagination, Fragments, and Diffractions, edited by Henriette Gunkel and kara lynch. transcript publishing, 2020.
Klaaren, Jonathan. "Benefit corporations for Africa? A South African perspective on alternative corporate forms." (2020).
Mbembe, Achille. Brutalisme. Paris: La Découverte, 2020.
Breckenridge, Keith. "Capitalism without Surveillance?" Development and Change 51, no. 3 (2020): 921-935.
Mokoena, Hlonipha. "‘Carpe DM’: Seizing the Afropolitan Day." Current History 119 (2020): 194-196.
Bolt, Maxim. "Chapter 7. Crisis, Work and the Meanings of Mobility on the Zimbabwean-South African Border." In Social im/mobilities in Africa: ethnographic approaches, edited by Joël Noret. New York : Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2020.
Pillay, Nirvana, Lenore Manderson, and Nolwazi Mkhwanazi. "Conflict and care in sexual and reproductive health services for young mothers in urban South Africa." Culture, Health & Sexuality 22 (2020): 459-473.
Connected lives: families, households, health and care in South Africa, Edited by Nolwazi Mkhwanazi and Lenore Manderson. Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2020.
Wintjes, Justine. "A Cowrie’s Life: The São Bento and Transoceanic Trade in the Sixteenth Century." Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies 6 (2020): 237-257.
Hume, Victoria Jane. "Delirium in intensive care: violence, loss and humanity." Medical Humanities (2020).
Lavery, Charne. "Diving into the Slave Wreck: The São José Paquete d’Africa and Yvette Christiansë’s Imprendehora." Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies (2020): 1-15.
Steinberg, Jonny. "Ethnographies of Global Policing." Annual Review of Law and Social Science 16 (2020): 131-145.
Tamarkin, Noah. Genetic afterlives: Black Jewish indigeneity in South Africa In Theory in forms. Durham: Duke University Press, 2020.
Fink, Katharina, Marie-Anne Kohl, and Nadine Siegert. Ghosts, specters, revenants Hauntology as a means to think and feel future.., 2020.
Mokoena, Hlonipha. "‘The hardness of the times and the dearness of all the necessaries of life’: class and consumption in bilingual nineteenth-century newspapers." Social History 45 (2020): 453-475.
Groves, Zoë R.. Malawian Migration to Zimbabwe, 1900-1965: Tracing Machona. Springer, 2020.
Machinya, Johannes. "Migration control, temporal irregularity and waiting." In Waiting and the temporalities of irregular migration, edited by Christine M. Jacobsen, Marry-Anne Karlsen and Shahram Khosravi. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge, 2020.
Gupta, Pamila. "Moving still: Bicycles in Ranchhod Oza’s photographs of 1950s Stone Town (Zanzibar)." Journal of African Cinemas 12 (2020): 191-211.
Mpofu-Walsh, S.. Obedient rebellion: nuclear-weapon-free zones and global nuclear order, 1967–2017 In Politics & International Relations. Vol. DPhil . University of Oxford, 2020.
Mkhwanazi, Nolwazi. "Of dreams and nightmares: implementing medical male circumcision in eSwatini (Swaziland)." Africa: The Journal of the International African Institute 90 (2020): 132-147.
Gupta, Pamila. "Of Sky, Water and Skin: Photographs from a Zanzibari Darkroom." Kronos 46 (2020): 266-280.
Nuttall, Sarah. "Pluvial Time/Wet Form." New Literary History 51 (2020): 455-472.
Nuttall, Sarah. "Pluvial Time/Wet Form." New Literary History 51 (2020): 455-472.
Jennings, Elyse A., Nolwazi Mkhwanazi, and Lisa Berkman. "Receipt of emotional support among rural South African adults." Ageing & Society (2020): 1-25.
Mushakavanhu, Tinashe. Reincarnating Marechera: notes on a speculative archive. Brooklyn, N.Y: Ugly Duckling Presse, 2020.
Klaaren, J., Keith Breckenridge, F. Cachalia, S. Fonn, and M. Veller. "South Africa’s COVID-19 Tracing Database: Risks and rewards of which doctors should be aware." South African Medical Journal 110 (2020).
Steinberg, Jonny, Tamar Garb, and Eva Hoffman. "Stories of migration and belonging." In Refuge in a moving world: tracing refugee and migrant journeys across disciplines, edited by Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh. London: UCL Press, 2020.
Lavery, Charne. "Thinking from the Southern Ocean." In Sustaining Seas: Oceanic Space and the Politics of Care., 2020.
Nyanda, Josiah, and Luck Makuyana. "The trumpet of Armageddon : South Africa-Zimbabwe special permits and the fear of going back home." Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies 1 (2020): 9-26.
Adebayo, Sakiru. "Unmournable bodies, embodied monuments and bodily truths: rethinking reconciliation in Zulu Love Letter." Safundi (2020): 1-4.
Steinberg, Jonny. "Writing South Africa’s Prisons into History." In Prison writing and the literary world: imprisonment, institutionality and questions of literary practice, edited by Claire Westall and Michelle Kelly. Routledge interdisciplinary perspectives on literature. New York: Routledge, 2020.
Groves, Zoë. "‘Zimbabwe is my home’: Citizenship and Belonging for ‘Malawians’ in Post-Independence Urban Zimbabwe." South African Historical Journal 72 (2020): 299-320.
