WISER publications
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Pro Bono in South Africa." In Global Pro Bono: Causes, Context, and Contestation, edited by Scott L. Cummings, Fabio de Sa e Silva and Louise G. Trubek, 535-569. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
"Reading for Water." Interventions 24 (2022): 303-322.
"Recognizing LGBTQ+ Faces Beyond the Mauritian Nation-State 1." In Routledge Handbook of African Popular Culture. Routledge, 2022.
" "The Southern Indian Ocean and the Oceanic South." Global Nineteenth-Century Studies 1 (2022): 63-72.
"States of Emergency—The Apartheid Paranoia in South Africa’s Lockdown." Current History 121 (2022): 196-198.
"Swahili Seafarers’ Musings and Sensuous Seascapes in Yvonne Owuor’s The Dragonfly Sea." Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies (2022): 1-14.
"Un New Deal entre l’Europe et l’Afrique est-il possible ?" In Un New Deal entre l’Europe et l’Afrique est-il possible ?, 1-8. Working papers. Groupe d’études géopolitiques, 2022.
"Water/colour/bead." Multimodality & Society 2 (2022): 131-140.
"“We maZimba… There Is Nothing That We Cannot Do”: The Work Ethic of Undocumented Zimbabwean Day Labourers in eMalahleni, South Africa." In Migration in Southern Africa: IMISCOE Regional Reader, edited by Pragna Rugunanan and Nomkhosi Xulu-Gama, 231-245. IMISCOE Research Series. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
"Accounts and Drawings from Underground: The East Rand Proprietary Mines Cash Book In The Africa List. 2nd ed. Seagull Books, 2021.
Blowing up “the World” in World Anthropologies." American Anthropologist (2021): aman.13670.
"Chronicling Deaths Foretold:." In Reverberations, edited by Yael Navaro, Zerrin Özlem Biner, Alice von Bieberstein and Seda Altuğ, 33-62. Violence Across Time and Space. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021.
"Complexities in interdisciplinary community engagement projects: some reflections and lessons from an applied drama and theatre project in diabetes care." Medical Humanities (2021).
"Concrete Oceans: The Dolos, Apartheid Engineering, and the Intertidal Zone." GeoHumanities 7 (2021): 44-64.
"Decolonising Kirstenbosch: confronting the violent past of South Africa’s botanical gardens." Architectural Review (2021).
"Digital imaginaries: African positions beyond binaries In A ZKM book, Edited by Richard Rottenburg, Oulimata Gueye, Julien McHardy, Philipp Ziegler, Kër Thiossane, Wits Art Museum and ZKM \textbar Z. Medien. Bielefeld: Kerber, 2021.
Documentary government and mathematical identification : On the theoretical significance of African biometric government." In Identification and Citizenship in Africa: Biometrics, the Documentary State and Bureaucratic Writings of the Self, edited by Séverine Awenengo Dalberto and Richard Banégas, 49-64. Routledge, 2021.
"Doing postcolonial gender: an approach to justifying rights, resources, and recognition." Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society 4, no. 1 (2021): 13.
"The emergence of regulatory capitalism in Africa." Economy and Society 50 (2021): 100-119.
"Fluctuating formality: homeownership, inheritance, and the official economy in urban South Africa*." Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 27, no. 4 (2021): 18.
"Futures of Life and Futures of Reason." Public Culture 33 (2021): 11-33.
"Homeownership, Legal Administration, And The Uncertainties Of Inheritance In South Africa’s Townships: Apartheid’s Legal Shadows." African Affairs 120 (2021): 219-241.
"Intellectual and cultural work in times of austerity: Introduction." Africa 91 (2021): 517-531.
"La fabrique de l’association scientifique:." Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales (2021): 119-135.
"Legal Aid SA: A Successful Post- Apartheid Institution Supporting the Rule of Law.", 171-187., 2021.
"Les nouveaux yeux de l’État ? L’introduction de la télésurveillance dans l’espace public à Yaoundé." Cahiers d’etudes africaines 244 (2021): 753-776.
"The New Apartheid. Tafelberg, 2021.
The ocean and the city: Spatial forgeries of racial capitalism." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 39, no. 6 (2021): 02637758211030922.
"Out of the dark night: essays on decolonization. Columbia University Press, 2021.
On Pluviality: Reading for Rain in Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift." Interventions (2021): 1-17.
"« Queering the City »: Politiques de la sexualité et de l’intimité à Lourenço Marques (Mozambique), 1961-1982." Revue d’histoire contemporaine de l’Afrique (2021): 135-157.
"Radical Stories in the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden: Emergent Ecologies’ Challenges to Colonial Narratives and Western Epistemologies." Environmental Humanities 13 (2021): 66-92.
"Reading in Antarctica." Wasafiri 36 (2021): 79-86.
"Recentring the margins: Theorizing African capitalism after 50 years." Economy and Society (2021).
"The Time Sea." Wasafiri 36 (2021): 13-21.
"The Universal Right to Breathe." Critical Inquiry 47 (2021): S58-S62.
"Vigilance: petitions, politics, and the African Christian converts of the nineteenth century." In Worlding the South, 327-345. Manchester University Press, 2021.
"On Water." Wasafiri 36 (2021): 1-2.
"Ways of Seeing Wetness." Wasafiri 36 (2021): 37-47.