WISER publications

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Pooe, Thabang, Alice Brown, and Jonathan Klaaren. "Pro Bono in South Africa." In Global Pro Bono: Causes, Context, and Contestation, edited by Scott L. Cummings, Fabio de Sa e Silva and Louise G. Trubek, 535-569. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
Hofmeyr, Isabel, Sarah Nuttall, and Charne Lavery. "Reading for Water." Interventions 24 (2022): 303-322.
Poinasamy, Ryan. "Recognizing LGBTQ+ Faces Beyond the Mauritian Nation-State 1." In Routledge Handbook of African Popular Culture. Routledge, 2022.
Klaaren, Jonathan. "Reforming procurement standards in order to effectively deliver public infrastructure: Rethinking the regulatory environment in post-pandemic South Africa." (2022).
Lavery, Charne. "The Southern Indian Ocean and the Oceanic South." Global Nineteenth-Century Studies 1 (2022): 63-72.
Mokoena, Hlonipha. "States of Emergency—The Apartheid Paranoia in South Africa’s Lockdown." Current History 121 (2022): 196-198.
Kosgei, Jauquelyne. "Swahili Seafarers’ Musings and Sensuous Seascapes in Yvonne Owuor’s The Dragonfly Sea." Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies (2022): 1-14.
Mbembe, Achille. "Un New Deal entre l’Europe et l’Afrique est-il possible ?" In Un New Deal entre l’Europe et l’Afrique est-il possible ?, 1-8. Working papers. Groupe d’études géopolitiques, 2022.
Brenner, Joni, Isabel Hofmeyr, and Charne Lavery. "Water/colour/bead." Multimodality & Society 2 (2022): 131-140.
Machinya, Johannes. "“We maZimba… There Is Nothing That We Cannot Do”: The Work Ethic of Undocumented Zimbabwean Day Labourers in eMalahleni, South Africa." In Migration in Southern Africa: IMISCOE Regional Reader, edited by Pragna Rugunanan and Nomkhosi Xulu-Gama, 231-245. IMISCOE Research Series. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Kentridge, William, and Rosalind C. Morris. Accounts and Drawings from Underground: The East Rand Proprietary Mines Cash Book In The Africa List. 2nd ed. Seagull Books, 2021.
Papailias, Penelope, and Pamila Gupta. "Blowing up “the World” in World Anthropologies." American Anthropologist (2021): aman.13670.
Morris, Rosalind C.. "Chronicling Deaths Foretold:." In Reverberations, edited by Yael Navaro, Zerrin Özlem Biner, Alice von Bieberstein and Seda Altuğ, 33-62. Violence Across Time and Space. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021.
Watermeyer, Jennifer, Victoria Jane Hume, Tshegofatso Seabi, and Rhona Nattrass. "Complexities in interdisciplinary community engagement projects: some reflections and lessons from an applied drama and theatre project in diabetes care." Medical Humanities (2021).
Cane, Jonathan. "Concrete Oceans: The Dolos, Apartheid Engineering, and the Intertidal Zone." GeoHumanities 7 (2021): 44-64.
Boehi, Melanie, and Phakamani m’Afrika Xaba. "Decolonising Kirstenbosch: confronting the violent past of South Africa’s botanical gardens." Architectural Review (2021).
Digital imaginaries: African positions beyond binaries In A ZKM book, Edited by Richard Rottenburg, Oulimata Gueye, Julien McHardy, Philipp Ziegler, Kër Thiossane, Wits Art Museum and ZKM \textbar Z. Medien. Bielefeld: Kerber, 2021.
Breckenridge, Keith. "Documentary government and mathematical identification : On the theoretical significance of African biometric government." In Identification and Citizenship in Africa: Biometrics, the Documentary State and Bureaucratic Writings of the Self, edited by Séverine Awenengo Dalberto and Richard Banégas, 49-64. Routledge, 2021.
Lamoureaux, Siri, and Richard Rottenburg. "Doing postcolonial gender: an approach to justifying rights, resources, and recognition." Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society 4, no. 1 (2021): 13.
Klaaren, Jonathan. "The emergence of regulatory capitalism in Africa." Economy and Society 50 (2021): 100-119.
Bolt, Maxim. "Fluctuating formality: homeownership, inheritance, and the official economy in urban South Africa*." Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 27, no. 4 (2021): 18.
Mbembe, Achille. "Futures of Life and Futures of Reason." Public Culture 33 (2021): 11-33.
Bolt, Maxim. "Homeownership, Legal Administration, And The Uncertainties Of Inheritance In South Africa’s Townships: Apartheid’s Legal Shadows." African Affairs 120 (2021): 219-241.
Park, Emma, Derek R. Peterson, Anne Pitcher, and Keith Breckenridge. "Intellectual and cultural work in times of austerity: Introduction." Africa 91 (2021): 517-531.
Eyenga, Georges Macaire. "La fabrique de l’association scientifique:." Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales (2021): 119-135.
Klaaren, Jonathan. "Legal Aid SA: A Successful Post- Apartheid Institution Supporting the Rule of Law.", 171-187., 2021.
Eyenga, Georges Macaire. "Les nouveaux yeux de l’État ? L’introduction de la télésurveillance dans l’espace public à Yaoundé." Cahiers d’etudes africaines 244 (2021): 753-776.
Mpofu-Walsh, Sizwe. The New Apartheid. Tafelberg, 2021.
Chari, Sharad. "The ocean and the city: Spatial forgeries of racial capitalism." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 39, no. 6 (2021): 02637758211030922.
Mbembe, Achille. Out of the dark night: essays on decolonization. Columbia University Press, 2021.
Nuttall, Sarah. "On Pluviality: Reading for Rain in Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift." Interventions (2021): 1-17.
de Araújo, Caio Simões. "« Queering the City »: Politiques de la sexualité et de l’intimité à Lourenço Marques (Mozambique), 1961-1982." Revue d’histoire contemporaine de l’Afrique (2021): 135-157.
Boehi, Melanie. "Radical Stories in the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden: Emergent Ecologies’ Challenges to Colonial Narratives and Western Epistemologies." Environmental Humanities 13 (2021): 66-92.
Hofmeyr, Isabel, and Charne Lavery. "Reading in Antarctica." Wasafiri 36 (2021): 79-86.
Breckenridge, Keith, and Deborah James. "Recentring the margins: Theorizing African capitalism after 50 years." Economy and Society (2021).
Nuttall, Sarah. "The Time Sea." Wasafiri 36 (2021): 13-21.
Mbembe, Achille. "The Universal Right to Breathe." Critical Inquiry 47 (2021): S58-S62.
Mokoena, Hlonipha. "Vigilance: petitions, politics, and the African Christian converts of the nineteenth century." In Worlding the South, 327-345. Manchester University Press, 2021.
Jones, Stephanie, and Charne Lavery. "On Water." Wasafiri 36 (2021): 1-2.
Gupta, Pamila. "Ways of Seeing Wetness." Wasafiri 36 (2021): 37-47.
