Contacting WISER

Wits Institute for Social & Economic Research (WISER)
6th Floor • Richard Ward Building • East Campus

Postal Address:
University of the Witwatersrand • Private Bag 3 • PO Box Wits • 2050 • South Africa
TEL: + 27 11 717-4220  •  FAX: + 27 11 717-4235  •  Email:




Getting on to the main Wits campus is initially a bit tricky, but, once you understand how it works, it's easy enough.  The security at the pedestrian gate on the corner of Eendracht and Jorissen will allow you on to campus if you show government ID of some kind.  Because parking is difficult, the simplest thing is to Uber to that gate, and then Uber again when you're going home.  The gate is very close to WISER; our offices are in the Richard Ward building immediately to the West of that gate, on the 6th Floor.  You'll need to walk up to the entrance on the ground level and then make your way across the bridge that connects the two wings of the building.   The diagram below shows the route.

Getting to WISER


Visitors parking is difficult at Wits, but it is sometimes available at the Origins Centre or in the basement of Senate House after 3pm.

Map of Wits