Keith Breckenridge's blog

Project Page | IUSSP Initiative on Population Registers, Ethics and Human Rights

The overall purpose of this initiative is to infuse interdisciplinary perspectives, drawing on perspectives from law, history, economics, public policy, demography, and public health, to address the ethical and human rights challenges that are emerging as population register systems are modernized and digitized.  We set out the basic elements of the collaboration on this page.

Andrew W Mellon Foundation awards Medical Humanities Grant to the Faculty of Humanities, Wits University

WiSER is delighted to announce a major new funding grant in the field of Medical Humanities awarded by the Mellon Foundation for $880,000 over 4 years.

Institut Francais de Pondycherry | Digital & Society: Social Sciences Winter School

Between November 12 and 19, the Trust Doctoral fellows will be attending a week long Winter School in Pondycherry, India hosted by the Institut Francais de Pondycherry. 

For more information follow this link:

IUSSP Fellowship and Orientation Week

Population Registers, Ethics, and Human Rights

An IUSSP initiative carried out in collaboration with WiSER, ISER & IIGH with the aid of a grant from IDRC. 

How Zipline is redefining healthcare delivery in Africa by Georges Macaire Eyenga


How Zipline is redefining healthcare delivery in Africa

After proving itself on the African continent, in Ghana and Rwanda in particular, the Californian firm is about to enter the American market for delivering medicines by drone. An activity that has everything to please, insofar as it can save lives, but which raises a number of fears about the use of the data collected…


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