Amir Allam Taha

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Born in Egypt, Amir Allam Taha studied English Literature in Cairo, and moved to Germany in 2003. In 2011, finished his Masters of International Literatures at the Tübingen University with the topic: Fractured Narratives in Selected Postmodern Films: Schizophrenia, Masculinity, and Violence in David Fincher’s Fight Club and Gaspar Noé’s Irreversible.

In spring 2017, he successfully defended his PhD Thesis, Film between Counterculture and Revolution: From the Anglo-American Youth Movements of the 1960s to the Arab Spring in Egypt with magna cum laude. Amir held and taught various seminars on Cultural and Film Studies at Tübingen University. Starting June 2017, he is a visitor researcher at WISER via The Literary Cultures of the Global South project.