City as a Creature of Law – Revisiting Windhoek’s Legal Architecture

Monday, 25 April, 2016 - 15:00

Presented by : 


Incontrovertibly, an understanding of city life in the absence of the legal architecture will be incomplete a picture of the shaping forces at play. Issues of residential zoning, policing and trading are invariably done within parameters of legal provisions. As Saho (2013) observes, ‘colonial officials brought with them not only ideas about how Africans could be ruled, but also practices of how African spaces were to be planned and managed’. Although a raft of legal provisions have been repealed or amended, some of them anachronistically remained intact. This paper shall trace regimes of the legal behind the making of Windhoek as a city, from the contested city status to the disparate legal provisions governing city life.

General seminar arrangements

  • The WISH seminar is hosted on-line every Monday afternoon at 16:00 - 17:00 SA during the teaching semester.
  • A printable version of the seminar schedule for the current year is available here.
  • For the details of the Zoom meetings, please sign up for email notices at
  • Participants must read the paper prior to the seminar, which is typically available by the Friday preceding the seminar.
  • The WISH seminar archive is available here