Call for Applications | Crafting Socio-Legal Methods in Africa: Local Realities and Global Debates

Wednesday, 15 November 2023 - 4:00pm
SA Time

The University of Witwatersrand, Oxford University, and the University of Johannesburg are delighted to announce a call for applications for early career scholars to attend a writing workshop on Crafting Socio-Legal Methods in Africa: Local Realities and Global Debates.  Participants will have the opportunity to engage with senior scholars from these institutions, as well as with editors from the Journal of Legal Studies and the South African Journal on Human Rights. The workshop will focus on research methods and how we study and write about socio-legal topics.  The workshop is premised on a participant having already conducted their research and will focus on reflecting on their approach to research methodologies. We particularly welcome papers that engage with the following themes, although other topics will also be considered: 


  • How do we study law beyond borders?
  • How do we study law in a digital world? 
  • How do we study the lived experience of human rights? 


The workshop will be held in Johannesburg from March 6-8, 2024. 

Funding is available to cover travel and accommodation for those primarily based at institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa.  


Please submit your application here.

Deadline for Applications: 15 November 2023

For further information on the programme please visit : 

WISER Research Theme: