WiSER Invites you to GASP - An Exhibition by Isabel Hofmeyr | 28-29 Oct 2023
Saturday, 29 July 2023 - 11:00am
SA TimeFor some years, Isabel Hofmeyr has, alongside her academic work, been making book-art and more recently, ecoprinting. On the evening of October 28, an exhibition will open featuring this work and offering a window onto Hofmeyr’s attention to materiality – and to thinking through practice. Charne Lavery and Sarah Nuttall, editors of the recently released Reading From the South: African Print Cultures and Oceanic Turns in Isabel Hofmeyr’s Work (WUP, 2023), will open the exhibition. At a walkabout on Sunday October 29, from 11.00 - 12.00, Isabel Hofmeyr will discuss the intersections of creative practice and research.
WISER Research Theme: