WISER was officially launched at a function hosted by the Vice-Chancellor

Saturday, 15 September 2001 - 2:30pm

WISER was officially launched at a function hosted by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Norma Reid, on the 14th of September 2001. Guest speakers at the occasion were Professors Jean & John Comaroff, Dr Vincent Maphai, and Professor Reid. For the full text of their speeches in PDF format, click on the links below. [ http://wiserweb.wits.ac.za/PDF%20Files/home%20-%20archive%20-%20comaroff...">Professor John Comaroff ] PDF file [ http://wiserweb.wits.ac.za/PDF%20Files/home%20-%20archive%20-%20maphai.PDF">Dr Vincent Maphai ] PDF file [ http://wiserweb.wits.ac.za/PDF%20Files/home%20-%20archive%20-%20reid.PDF">Professor Norma Reid ] PDF file