The WiSER Podcast | Season Five

Friday, 11 February 2022 - 9:30am

In Episode One of Season Five of The WiSER Podcast, the Reverend Frank Chikane and his son Regotsofetse Chikane, recollect and discuss the moment – separated by 30 years – they were each arrested for treason – by the apartheid and post-apartheid states, successively. As prominent anti-apartheid activist and #FeesMustFall activist respectively, they retell their experiences  - and the conversation reflects on the state of a democratic South Africa, the current dangers it faces and what choosing to fight for a more democratic state has meant and will come to mean, then and now.


A podcast of Neo Muyanga and Khadija Patel's recent seminar Living Together/Living Apart: The Complexity of Home'.



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