WIPES | Talk by Adam Tooze on the Political economy of anthropocene: Climate crisis v. Covid-19 | Wednesday, July 29 : 4pm
Thursday, 30 July 2020 - 3:30pm
Political economy of anthropocene: Climate crisis v. Covid-19
The second webinar with Prof Adam Tooze, author of Crashed: how a decade of financial crises change the world. Hosted by Wiser, SWOP, History Workshop & UJ History Department
Date: Wednesday 29 July Time: 16h00
You must register in advance for the Zoom webinar here: https://wits-za.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4cRuDKlfT-WaRj6o5GcO_Q
Please also see the attached readings.
The recording from the first webinar - Johannesburg Convsersations with Adam Tooze - can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/IgFYIxRhviQ
WISER Research Theme: