#Rabida - Parenthesis in conversation with Celeste Fortes - hosted by Mpho Matsipa

Monday, 27 July 2020 - 11:30pm


Celeste Fortes joins Parenthesis - Patti Anahory and Cesar Schofield Cardoso in conversation. Celeste Fortes is an anthropologist and social and cultural activist who co-directed the documentary Bidon: Island Nation. Patti Anahory is an architect, curator and was founding director of CIDLOT and Cardoso is a photographer, videographer, and software developer – both whose works centre Cabo Verde. Their conversation focuses on the concept of #Rabida as it relates to conditions of Islandness and the bidon. #Rabida is a term in Cabo Verdean that is loosely translated to turning, rotating and flipping. It is linked to notions of circulation and movement as well as transformation and valuation. It is a concept that crosses temporalities and spatialities. The bidon is a barrel filled with products sent from the diaspora – a mobile unit of aspirations and a spatial and temporal object of desire(s/d) commodities and geographies. In their conversation, the bidon becomes a link between here and elsewhere/s, complicating the oftentimes fixed boundaries of island geography and imaginings.


The #AfricanMobilities podcast series is hosted by Mpho Matsipa and was made possible by

in partnership with the Wits University - School of Architecture and Planning, Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research, Architekturmuseum de TUM and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

 For more information please visit our website: https://www.africanmobilities.org/

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