Public Discussion on Deciphering the Present | 13 Feb | 6pm

Thursday, 13 February 2025 - 5:30pm
SA Time

WiSER and The Innovation Foundation for Democracy warmly invite you to a public discussion on

Deciphering the Present

This event will consist of a three-way conversation between political historian and public intellectual Achille Mbembe, critical theorist Jacqueline Rose, cultural critic Sarah Nuttall, and moderated by feminist sociologist Srila Roy. At stake will be an attempt at deciphering the current global moment and some of the key challenges of our times such as war and militarism, impending ecological breakdown, conflicts over gender and sexuality, the hollowing out of liberal democracy and the rise of reactionary authoritarianism and its alliance with the highest forms of techno-capitalism. Particular attention will be given to the conditions of possibility for new orders of democratic practice and the deepening of international justice.

Chair: Lynn Morris (Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation, Wits University)

Thursday 13th February
5:30pm for 6pm
WiSER Seminar room

Jacqueline Rose is internationally recognized as one of the most important living feminist and cultural critics. She writes at the intersection of feminism, psychoanalysis and politics. She is Professor of the Humanities and co-director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities and a public intellectual and frequent contributor to the London Review of Books, The Guardian and many other publications. Her books include Sexuality in the Field of Vision, The Haunting of Sylvia Plath, States of Fantasy, The Last Resistance,  Women in Dark Times, Mothers: An Essay on Love and Cruelty, On Violence and On Violence Against Women and The Plague. Conversations with Jacqueline Rose came out in 2010, and The Jacqueline Rose Reader in 2011.
She will be visiting Wits University and WiSER on February 13 and 14.


Drinks and snacks will be served

WISER Research Theme: