Political Economy of Citizenship: which matters more, poverty or inequality?
Thursday, 14 March 2013 - 11:30am
As part of our research focus in the politics of citizenship in South Africa, WiSER invites you to participate in a lunchtime discussion with Duncan Green, Senior Strategic Adviser at Oxfam Great Britain, on the topic of the "Political Economy of Citizenship: which matters more, poverty or inequality?"
Date and time: Wednesday, March 13, 12 to 1:30pm
Venue: WISER Seminar Room, 6th Floor, Richard Ward Building
Duncan Green is the author of From Poverty to Power: How Active Citizens and Effective States can Change the World (Jacana Media, second edition March 2013) More information is available here. His daily development blog can be found on http://www.oxfamblogs.org/
Please RSVP for this event to Najibha.Deshmukh@wits.ac.za