Kant on Race and Kant’s Racism

Friday, 9 October 2015 - 12:30pm

A presentation by Lucy Allais (author of Manifest Reality : Kant's Idealism and his Realism, Oxford University Press, 2015) in conversation with Achille Mbembe, and chaired by Eusebius McKaiser.

Venue:  WISER Seminar Room,  6th Floor, Richard Ward Building.

In this overdue but exciting public discussion about Kant's racism, Professor Lucy Allais, an internationally renowned Kantian scholar, examines the implications of Kant's racism for his universalist moral theory. Was Kant an inconsistent egalitarian or an an inconsistent universalist? What, more generally, should our attitude be towards many celebrated thinkers when their academic and intellectual output are at odds with morally odious features of some aspects of their personal biography?

Professor Achille Mbembe will respond. And Eusebius McKaiser, who is about to release a new book on racism, will moderate the discussion.

WISER Research Theme: