Class Acts: is the Concept of Class Still Alive in the Social Sciences?

Monday, 29 March, 2004 - 14:30

Class Acts: is the Concept of Class Still Alive in the Social Sciences? SESSION I  The Concept of Class I Friday, 28 March, 14:30 - 16:15 Chair: Jonathan Hyslop Speakers: Jeremy Seekings Sakhela Buhlungu Peter Alexander Commentators:  Sarah Nuttall & Ivor Chipkin SESSION II  The Concept of Class II Saturday, 29 March, 9:30 - 11:00 Chair: Irma du Plessis Speakers: Phil Bonner Noor Nieftagodien Peter Hudson Commentators: Jeremy Seekings & Carolyn Hamilton SESSION III  Class and non-class identities Saturday, 29 March, 11:15 - 13:00 Chair: Liz Walker Speakers: Deborah Posel Peter Lekgoathi Ran Greenstein Commentator: Eddie Webster