Chantal Mouffe in Conversation

Friday, 11 March, 2016 - 13:30

The Department of Political Studies and WiSER invite you to

Chantal Mouffe in Conversation

Distinguished political theorist Chantal Mouffe will be in conversation in the WiSER seminar room on 10 March at 2pm. All welcome.

A political theorist educated at the universities of Louvain, Paris, and Essex, Chantal Mouffe is Professor of Political Theory at the University of Westminster. She has taught at many universities in Europe, North America and Latin America, and has held research positions at Harvard, Cornell, the University of California, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris. Between 1989 and 1995 she was Directrice de Programme at the College International de Philosophie in Paris. Among many other publications, she is the author of Agonistics: Thinking The World Politically (2013), On the Political (2005), and The Democratic Paradox (2000).


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