Book Launch | The Revolution will not be Litigated - Edited by Katie Redford & Mark Gevisser | 21 Sept | 6pm
Submitted by Najibha Deshmukh on 19 September, 2023 - 11:37
Thursday, 21 September 2023 - 6:00pm
On Thursday. 21st September at 6pm - Mark Gevisser will launch a new co-edited book, The Revolution Will Not Be Litigated: People Power and Legal Power in the 21st Century. It contains essays by - and interviews with - 25 of the world’s most effective and interesting activists and lawyers, about the role of law and legal advocacy in social movements. Following the maxim that “it takes a lawyer, an activist and a storyteller to change the world”, Gevisser worked with the contributors to become storytellers, so that they could reflect on their experiences at the frontlines of some of the most significant struggles of our time - from Black Lives Matter and the climate movement, to LGBTQI and abortion rights.

On Thursday, Mark Gevisser will be in discussion with the two South African contributors, Mark Heywood and Kumi Naidoo, as well as SERI’s Nomzamo Zondo.
Date: 21st September 2023
Time: 17:30 for 18:00
Venue: Love Books, Melville
In a new book called The Revolution Will Not Be Litigated, Mark Gevisser and Katie Redford have gathered together 25 of the world’s most accomplished and celebrated activists and movement lawyers, and worked with them to become storytellers – so that they can reflect on their experiences at the front lines of some of the most significant struggles of our time - Jane Fonda
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