‘Those were the days’, an autobiographical essay which concerns her student days in the 1970s in Mexico.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012 - 4:30pm

The Embassy of Mexico in South Africa,   WISER and the School of Literature and Language Studies at Wits University   invite you to a presentation by the award-winning, multidisciplinary artist   Rosina Conde   Rosina Conde will be presenting ‘Those were the days’, an autobiographical essay which concerns her student days in the 1970s in Mexico.   Tuesday, 27 March 2012 17:00 – 19:00 WISER Seminar Room, 6th Floor, Richard Building, East Campus, Wits University   Rosina’s performance will be of particular interest to students of literature, the arts, cultural studies and politics.   Rosina Conde (Mexicali, B. C., México, 1954) is a multidisciplinary artist. She studied Hispanic Language and Literature and a Master´s Degree in Spanish Literature at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She also obtained a diploma with curricular validity in Cultural Promotion and Management at the Mexican National Council for Culture and Arts and the National Association of Mexican Universities and Institutions of Higher Education (Conaculta-ANUIES). She has published 22 books of essays, novels, playwriting, poetry and short stories, two of which were translated into English and published by San Diego State University:Women on the road... and In this corner. She has recorded three Blues cd´s, and created and produced five pieces of performing art, with performances in Mexico, United States and Brazil. Some of her short stories and poems have been translated into English and German. Her creative work has received 12 national awards, state as well as municipal, amongst them the National Prize of Literature “Gilberto Owen” (1993), the National Prize of Literature “Carlos Monsiváis” (2010), and the award Emetirus Creator 2010 of the State of Baja California. Her creative writing has been included in approximately 40 anthologies in Mexico, United States, France, Spain, England, Germany/Austria and Cuba. For 34 years, she has dedicated herself to teaching and publishing. Founder of three great cultural-academic projects: the Department of Publications of El Colegio de la Frontera Norte; degrees in Hispanic Literature and English Literature at the Humanities Faculty of the Autonomous University of Baja California, and Creative Writing at the Autonomous University of Mexico City, the first degree-career designed for writers in the Hispanic world. Currently, she is a member of the Academy of Creative Writing at the Autonomous University of Mexico City, and of the Creative Writing Program at the University of the Cloister of Sor Juana.  She is also a member of the Mexican National System of Art Creators.