CFP: Radical History Review

Radical History Review: Calls for Proposals

The Global South: Histories, Politics, Maps
Issue number 131 (May 2018)
Abstract Deadline: September 1, 2016
Issue editors: Pamila Gupta, Christopher J. Lee, Marissa Moorman, and Sandhya Shukla

The Radical History Review seeks submissions on the topic of the Global South.  We are interested in work that engages with current discussions in a range of disciplines that seek to historicize the Global South as a concept, a geography, and a political project.  Since the end of the Cold War, the Global South has been employed in ways both continuous with categories like “third world,” “developing world,” and “postcolonial,” and departing from those, to indicate a more radical approach to space, language, and power.  It is also the case that the Global South has been used as shorthand for descriptions of the rise of economic wealth and power in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and a new global political order that has attended this shift.  And insurgent political, social, and cultural movements, themselves organized under the rubric of the Global South, insistently challenge more recent neoliberal arrangements as well as dominant discourses of development.  Area studies, freighted with Cold War projects of dividing up the world, may either be reenergized or made obsolete by new forms of knowledge organized by the Global South.

The Global South has multiple political and critical effects, which change over time, but certainly we see it as an opening to a new conversation about politics and history in the world.  To this end we invite a wide variety of contributions that approach the Global South from interdisciplinary angles and with a diverse set of archives.

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