Organ Transplantation and Tissue Transfusion

A central theme in our project has been that of the political and social context of organ transplantation in South Africa. From 2014 to 2016 an active reading group met once a month, and has in turn led to a substantial ongoing collaboration with Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre. In 2016, WiSER, WDGMC and postgraduate curatorial students from the Wits School of Arts collaborated to produce an exhibition about transplant: Situation, at the Point of Order gallery in Braamfontein. You can read about the exhibition here, on ArtThrob

We hope to produce a book based on the exhibition in 2018.


Invitation to Situation, image courtesy of Igshaan Adams

(Above: Invitation to Situation, image courtesy of Igshaan Adams/Blank Projects)

A seminar paper on Catherine Burns's work on histories of race, sex, and blood in South Africa.