Invitation | Post-Extractivism Post-Institute

Wednesday, 29 November, 2023 - 17:00

WISER invites you to join us for a two day workshop on the global humanities in the aftermath of extractivism | November 28 and 29. 

In collaboration with the Humanities Institute at University College Dublin, Centre of Excellence in Intercultural Studies, Tallinn University, Estonia, the School of Culture, History and Language at the Australian National University, and the Humanities Research and Environmental Studies Centers, Rice University, USA, and Wits' Centre in Water Research and Development, WISER invites you to participate in the Post-Institute of ‘Post-extractivist legacies and landscapes.’

Post-extractivist legacies and landscapes: Humanities, artistic and activist responses
takes a transnational and interdisciplinary approach to exploring interactions between creative arts practices and local activism in the transition from mining to post-mining. Comprising three strands (methodologies, site studies and creative responses) and generating both artistic and academic outputs, the project draws on literary studies, anthropology, history, environmental studies, bio-archaeology and activist art practice to investigate former, ongoing and proposed sites of mining in Ireland, Germany, Estonia, South Africa, Oceania and the Gulf Coast of the United States.  For more on the project follow this link.

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Day 1 | Tuesday | November 28 | WISER Seminar Room

14:00 Sally Gaule | Mining Photographs: On optimism and despair.

15:00 – 16:30 Post-Extractivism in the Making: Insider & Outsider Perspectives on/from the Estonian Oil Shale Region

  • Anu Printsmann | Tallinn | What happens to landscapes after mining?
  • Saara Mildeberg | Tallinn | Anthropological insights from a post-industrial “adventure land”
  • Linda Kaljundi | Tallinn & Estonian Academy of Arts | Contemporary art mining the oil shale region

Day 2 | Wednesday | November 29 | WISER Seminar Room

10:00 – 11:30 the humanities in a post-extractive metropolis : Craig Sheridan and Faeeza Ballim in conversation with Achille Mbembe, Sarah Nuttall and Keith Breckenridge

[[Craig's slides, Vaal River System]]

11:30 – 13:00 | creativity, collaboration, and extractivism sites 1: praxis  (Commentator : Isabel Hofmeyr) 

  • Judy Carroll Deeley | UCD | Collaborative Practices: Engagement with Materials and with Place
  • Helen Doherty | UCD | Visual Responses to the Irish Boglands
  • Sarah Comyn presenting, co-authored by Sarah Comyn and Kate Fama | UCD | Connecting Creatively with Extractivist Sites

14:00 – 15:30 | creativity, collaboration, and extractivism sites 2: critical reflections (Commentator : Hlonipha Mokoena)

  • Anne Fuchs | UCD | Re/Viewing Post-Extractivist Landscapes
  • Treasa De Loughry | UCD | Creativity, Archival Bricolage and Mining the Digital Commodity Chain
  • Megan Kuster | UCD | Critical creativities: Some reflections on our interdisciplinary and transnational approach

16:30 - 18:00 From Extraction to Energy: Recollections and Speculations | Online Panel

  • Joseph Campana (chair); Dominick Boyer, Cymene Howe, and Casey Williams | Panelists will discuss the emergence of the energy humanities and consider its futures.
  • Please register on Zoom here in advance of the session.
WISER Research Theme: